SAWAB’s appeal for your generous contribution

Our sincere gratitude to all our valued donors from home and abroad. To continue our more humanitarian efforts to reduce the sufferings of the poorest community and to provide necessary support to the target people, we put a fervent humanitarian appeal, please come forward with your big-hearted financial and material contributions for the needy.

Women Empowerment and Family Development

Make our womenfolk self-dependent and please donate for ensuring their livelihood

Bangladeshi women face obstacles and difficulties in nearly every aspect of their lives, including access to health services, economic opportunity, political participation, and financial decision making. Women empowerment and development program implies the ability in women to take decisions with regard to their lives and work giving equal rights to them in all spheres of life.

SAWAB seeks to increase female participation, reduce gender inequality, and raise awareness about the positive impacts of empowering women throughout society. SAWAB started miscellaneous programs like tailoring and dress making training course, distribution of sewing machines, grocery goods and shops, and cattle (cow and goat) distribution among ultra-poor, widow and disabled women.

SAWAB wants to go on massively with its activities by enhancing skill development training, sewing machine distribution and training, introducing small business, cow and goat distribution for ultra-poor women so that they can able to lead their lives with dignity, freedom and self-esteem and also able to gain positions of respect in society. In this context, adequate fund is required from international donor organizations throughout the world.

You may also contribute by donation though our organization


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