SAWAB’s appeal for your generous contribution

Our sincere gratitude to all our valued donors from home and abroad. To continue our more humanitarian efforts to reduce the sufferings of the poorest community and to provide necessary support to the target people, we put a fervent humanitarian appeal, please come forward with your big-hearted financial and material contributions for the needy.

Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation

Please donate for the humanitarian cause and help people survive during emergency. 

SAWAB is expanding its humanitarian activities among the people in need are the homeless, refugees, and victims of natural disasters in Bangladesh. SAWAB supports the poorest families to adapt to the impacts of emergency situations, natural calamities, climate change by giving free foods, clothes, pure water, medicine and shelter.Our primary objective of humanitarian aid is to save lives, alleviate suffering, and maintain human dignity.

You may contribute with your donation by providing Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation.


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