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In Bangladesh, the challenge of ensuring shelter and access to non-food items (NFIs) remains critical, especially in the face of natural disasters, rapid urbanization, and the plight of vulnerable populations. Our Shelter and NFI Program aims to address these challenges by providing essential shelter solutions and NFIs to communities across the country.

The Need for Shelter and NFIs

Access to adequate shelter and essential non-food items is crucial for the safety, dignity, and well-being of individuals and families, particularly in disaster-prone areas and among marginalized communities. In Bangladesh, where millions are at risk of displacement due to cyclones, floods, and other natural disasters, providing shelter and NFIs is vital for ensuring resilience and mitigating human suffering.

SAWAB Shelter and NFI Program

SAWAB engages in various construction projects, including housing and emergency shelters, schools for both Bangladeshi children and Rohingya refugees, mosques and ablution facilities, as well as sanitary latrines for community development.

The Shelter and NFI Program is dedicated to providing comprehensive support to communities in need across Bangladesh. From constructing durable shelters to distributing essential NFIs such as blankets, hygiene kits, and cooking utensils, our program strives to meet the diverse needs of vulnerable populations, including women, children, the elderly, and persons with disabilities. With the assistance of our valuable donors, we have already constructed over 500 shelters and distributed NFI items to more than 2 million needy individuals and Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh.

In collaboration with local partners and stakeholders, we conduct needs assessments to identify priority areas and tailor our interventions accordingly. Whether it’s rebuilding homes destroyed by disasters or providing emergency relief to displaced families, our program works tirelessly to ensure that no one is left behind in times of crisis.


Over the years, our Shelter and NFI Program has made a significant impact on the lives of countless individuals and families across Bangladesh. By providing shelter solutions and essential NFIs, we have helped restore dignity, provide comfort, and promote resilience among vulnerable communities facing adversity.

From enabling families to rebuild their lives after disasters to offering support to those living in overcrowded urban settlements, our program has played a crucial role in improving living conditions and enhancing the overall well-being of communities in need.

Why Your Support Matters

Your support is essential in enabling us to continue our critical work and reach even more vulnerable communities across Bangladesh. By joining hands with us, you become a lifeline for those facing displacement, homelessness, and hardship, providing them with the hope and resources they need to rebuild their lives and thrive.

How You Can Help

There are numerous ways you can support our Shelter and NFI Program. Whether through financial contributions, donations of essential items, or volunteer work, your involvement can make a meaningful difference in the lives of millions. Together, we can ensure that every individual and family in Bangladesh has access to safe shelter and essential NFIs, regardless of their circumstances.

Join Us Today

Join us in our mission to provide shelter and NFI solutions to vulnerable communities in Bangladesh. Your support has the power to make a profound impact on the lives of those in need, offering them hope, dignity, and the opportunity for a better future. Together, let’s build a more resilient Bangladesh where everyone has a safe place to call home.

Together, We Can Make a Difference

In the face of adversity, solidarity is our greatest strength. Together, let’s stand with the most vulnerable among us and work towards a future where no one is left behind. Join us today and be a part of the solution to ensure shelter and dignity for all in Bangladesh.

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