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Overview: The overall development of Bangladesh will undoubtedly be hampered if the empowerment status of women, constituting 49.56% of the country’s total population, does not improve from its current low levels. In Bangladesh, women are largely confined to the domestic domain. Their involvement is mainly in non-productive roles, while men dominate the formal, productive, and monetized sectors. Girls and young women typically earn less, work in more unstable jobs, and lack access to resources and market-driven skills, preventing them from developing entrepreneurial skills or obtaining decent jobs. Key issues such as dowry-related violence, eve-teasing, sexual harassment, discrimination, early marriage, malnutrition, health crises, and dropping out of education further exacerbate unequal access to economic structures. Women rarely have a voice in decision-making processes. Parents often hesitate to let girls travel long distances to school or work, fearing for their safety. Opportunities for skills development to become self-reliant are scarce.

Beneficiary Number: 360 Persons

Donors: SWF-Australia and NAHAR-USA

Project Duration: 3 Years

Project Components: Sewing Machine Training and Free Sewing Machine Distribution

Locations: Mohammadpur, Dhaka & Rohingya Refugee Camp, Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar

Project Goal: To improve the social and economic status of women and the community.

Project Objectives:

  1. Provide comprehensive sewing machine training to enhance the skills of needy women and Rohingya refugees.
  2. Distribute free sewing machines to trained beneficiaries to enable them to start their own sewing businesses.
  3. Improve the economic conditions of beneficiaries by creating income-generating opportunities.
  4. Promote self-reliance and financial independence among the needy and Rohingya refugees.

Target Group of the Project: Needy individuals and Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, focusing on those in Mohammadpur, Dhaka, and the Rohingya Refugee Camp in Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar.

Selection Criteria for Sewing Machine Beneficiaries:

  1. Needy individuals and Rohingya refugees with a genuine interest in learning sewing skills.
  2. Individuals from vulnerable families, particularly women-headed households.
  3. Beneficiaries with limited access to income-generating resources and support.
  4. Individuals willing to commit to the training program and utilize the sewing machines for self-employment.

Reporting & Documentation:

  1. High-quality photographs and videos will be taken at each event.
  2. All original vouchers and relevant documents will be preserved.
  3. Testimonials from local authorities will be collected and preserved.
  4. All events will be well-documented and published in electronic media.
  5. The donor’s logo will be used on banners and signboards for each activity.
  6. Completion reports will be sent with all vouchers, receipts, master rolls, photos, videos, and other relevant documents.
  7. Field survey reports and other documents requested by the donor will be provided.

Supervision & Monitoring: All project components will be consistently evaluated to measure effectiveness, efficiency, quality, usage, and acceptability. Problems, potential gaps, and required remedial actions will be identified through participatory assessment and evaluation. The overall supervision and evaluation will be conducted by dedicated staff. Monitoring and reporting will be carried out annually, with different reporting forms used for various activities. A compiled Management Information System (MIS) and financial statement will be prepared and submitted to donors. An annual report will be provided after each project year, along with an overall report upon project completion.

Potential Long-Term Impact: This project will significantly improve the economic conditions of needy individuals and Rohingya refugees by providing them with the skills and resources to become self-sufficient. By creating income-generating opportunities, the project will promote financial independence and enhance the quality of life for beneficiaries. The skills learned and the sewing machines provided will continue to benefit the individuals long after the project ends, ensuring a lasting impact.

Sustainability: The project focuses on equipping needy individuals and Rohingya refugees with sewing skills and providing them with sewing machines to ensure long-term self-sufficiency. The training will empower beneficiaries to generate income and improve their living conditions. After the project ends, beneficiaries will be able to maintain and utilize the sewing machines for continued economic benefit, ensuring the project’s sustainability.

Appeal for More Funds for More Sewing Machine Training Centers:

We urgently appeal for additional funding to expand our sewing machine training and distribution project for needy individuals and Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. With the generous contributions from SWF-Australia and NAHAR-USA, we have made significant progress in providing essential training and resources. However, the need remains great, and with your support, we can reach even more individuals in desperate need of these opportunities.

Your additional funding will allow us to establish more training centers, providing more beneficiaries with the skills and resources to become self-sufficient. Together, we can empower these vulnerable individuals to build better futures for themselves and their families.

Thank you for your commitment to this vital cause.

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