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Our Seasonal Program is aimed at serving impoverished communities, regardless of religious affiliation. Under this program, there are four projects:

  • Winter Cloth Distribution
  • Ramadan Food Distribution
  • Qurban Project
  • In-kind Gift Distribution

SAWAB has implemented all of these projects to alleviate the suffering of impoverished individuals, including Rohingya refugees, with sponsorship and donations from various donor organizations. These projects have been implemented across 52 different districts in Bangladesh.

Winter Cloth Distribution Project: During the winter season in Bangladesh, cold air sweeps across the region, with temperatures dropping as low as 3°C to 4°C and averaging between 10°C to 20°C. January and February typically mark the coldest months, bringing various health-related challenges, particularly for the elderly and children. In response to the harsh winter conditions, a cold wave often affects the northern, northeastern, and western parts of Bangladesh, disrupting normal life and causing considerable suffering among the population. Districts such as Chuadanga, Dinajpur, Panchagarh, Rajshahi, Pabna, Naogaon, Nilphamari, Jessore, Cox’s Bazar, and Kurigram are among the areas experiencing biting cold during this time. Recognizing the intolerable suffering endured by the underprivileged and vulnerable communities during these cold spells, SAWAB expands its Winter Cloth Distribution Project every year. This initiative aims to provide essential warmth and protection to those in need by distributing winter clothing, such as coats, sweaters, scarves, hats, and blankets. By extending support to the most vulnerable segments of society, SAWAB strives to alleviate the hardships faced during the winter season and ensure the well-being of individuals and families across Bangladesh.

Ramadan Food Distribution Project: SAWAB’s Ramadan Food Distribution Project is a cornerstone initiative aimed at supporting communities enduring poverty, regardless of religious affiliation. Throughout the sacred month of Ramadan, SAWAB diligently distributes food packages to marginalized individuals, including widows, orphans, and impoverished families who face challenges in procuring basic necessities. These essential packages comprise items such as rice, potatoes, dates, pulses, salt, cooking oil, sugar, onions, garlic, and spices. By providing these provisions, recipients are empowered to observe both Sahri (pre-dawn meal) and Iftar (breaking of the fast) during Ramadan, as well as celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr joyously.

For the past 15 years, SAWAB has extended its reach across 55 districts, ensuring that vulnerable communities throughout Bangladesh receive vital assistance during this significant period. This longstanding commitment underscores SAWAB’s dedication to alleviating poverty and fostering inclusivity, as it extends support to both Muslim and non-Muslim individuals in need. By addressing food insecurity during Ramadan and Eid-ul-Fitr, SAWAB’s Ramadan Food Distribution Project exemplifies the spirit of compassion and solidarity, enriching the lives of countless individuals and promoting social cohesion across diverse communities.

Qurban Project: The Qurban Project, led by SAWAB, is a crucial initiative that aligns with the significance of Eid-ul-Adha, the culmination of the sacred Hajj pilgrimage. This festival holds profound religious importance for Muslims globally, commemorating the obedience of Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH). As part of this tradition, Muslims sacrifice an animal and distribute the meat to those less fortunate. SAWAB, with the generous support of various international donors and partners, facilitates the Qurbani ritual on behalf of individuals who are unable to perform it themselves. Over the past three years, SAWAB has diligently coordinated the distribution of Qurbani meat, benefiting 150,000 distressed families across different districts of Bangladesh. This endeavor not only fulfills a religious obligation but also embodies the spirit of compassion and solidarity within the Muslim community. By providing Qurbani meat to those in need, SAWAB fosters a sense of unity and empathy among Muslims in Bangladesh. Additionally, the project extends its support to Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals (FDMNs) who have sought refuge in Bangladesh, exemplifying the organization’s commitment to humanitarianism and inclusivity. Through the Qurban Project, SAWAB plays a pivotal role in alleviating hardship and spreading joy during the auspicious occasion of Eid-ul-Adha. The initiative not only honors religious traditions but also underscores the importance of caring for the less fortunate and promoting communal harmony.

In-kind Gifts Distribution Project: The In-kind Gifts Distribution Project by SAWAB, supported by HHRD-USA, is a crucial endeavor dedicated to aiding the most vulnerable individuals, particularly the Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals (FDMNs), including Rohingyas and host community members in Bangladesh. Since its establishment in 2018, this project has been instrumental in providing essential assistance to those affected by displacement and the influx of Rohingya refugees.

Each year, SAWAB receives containers brimming with in-kind donations from HHRD-USA, encompassing a diverse range of essential items. These donations are subsequently distributed among Rohingya refugees and local families significantly impacted by the displacement crisis. The distributed packages include clothing for men, women, and children, blankets, bedding, educational materials like notebooks, pencils, and pens, kitchen essentials, buckets, dry food items, and hygiene kits.

The impact of these in-kind gifts is profound, benefiting approximately 0.5 million individuals residing within the camps. These provisions not only address their basic needs but also serve to shield them from adverse environmental conditions. By providing such indispensable items, the project not only fulfills immediate requirements but also enhances the overall well-being and resilience of the recipients.

Through the sustained collaboration between SAWAB and donors, this project continues to make a tangible difference in the lives of those facing the most significant vulnerabilities and in dire need of support.

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