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Beneficiary Number: 200 Families

Donors: SWF-Australia, Muslim Charity, Islamic Appeal-UK and MGR-UK

Project Duration: 1 Year

Project Components: Shelter for Needy People and Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh

Locations: Dhaka, Kurigram, Sylhet, Satkhira, Kushtia, and Khulna

Project Goal: To construct shelters for the needy and Rohingya refugees, enabling them to have more comfortable and safe living spaces.

Project Objectives:

  1. Provide safe and durable shelters for needy and Rohingya refugees, especially women-headed families and elderly individuals.
  2. Enhance living conditions by protecting needy and Rohingya refugees from harsh weather conditions, including winter cold, heavy rainfall, and storms.
  3. Promote health and security by reducing exposure to colds, respiratory diseases, flu, and other health hazards.

Target Group of the Project: Needy and Rohingya refugees living in damaged and partially damaged makeshift settlements in Bangladesh, with a focus on women-headed families and elderly individuals.

Selection Criteria for Shelter:

  1. Vulnerable families, particularly those headed by women or elderly individuals.
  2. Families living in the most damaged or inadequate shelters.
  3. Families with limited access to resources and support.

Reporting & Documentation:

  1. High-quality photographs and videos will be taken at each event.
  2. All original vouchers and relevant documents will be preserved.
  3. Testimonials from local authorities will be collected and preserved.
  4. All events will be well-documented and published in electronic media.
  5. The donor’s logo will be used on banners and signboards for each activity.
  6. Completion reports will be sent with all vouchers, receipts, master rolls, photos, videos, and other relevant documents.
  7. Field survey reports and other documents requested by the donor will be provided.

Supervision & Monitoring: All project components will be consistently evaluated to measure effectiveness, efficiency, quality, usage, and acceptability. Problems, potential gaps, and required remedial actions will be identified through participatory assessment and evaluation. The overall supervision and evaluation will be conducted by dedicated staff. Monitoring and reporting will be carried out annually, with different reporting forms used for various activities. A compiled Management Information System (MIS) and financial statement will be prepared and submitted to donors. An annual report will be provided after each project year, along with an overall report upon project completion.

Potential Long-Term Impact: This project will significantly improve the living conditions of needy and Rohingya refugees by providing safe, durable shelters that protect against harsh weather conditions. By reducing exposure to cold, respiratory diseases, flu, and other health hazards, the project will promote healthier lives and greater security. The shelters will be maintained by the residents and the SAWAB shelter focal group, ensuring sustainability beyond the funding period.

Sustainability: The project focuses on keeping needy and Rohingya refugees warm during winter and protecting them from heavy rainfall and southeastern storms by constructing durable shelters with long-lasting materials. This will help combat colds, respiratory diseases, flu, and other health issues, ensuring a healthy and secure life for the needy and refugees. After the funding and project completion, the residents will look after the shelters, with minor repairs being managed by SAWAB or the shelter focal group, ensuring the project’s sustainability.

Appeal for More Funds for More Shelters:

Dear Donors and Supporters,

We urgently appeal for additional funding to expand our shelter project for the needy and Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. With the generous contributions from SWF-Australia, Muslim Charity, and MGR-UK, we have made significant progress in providing safe and durable shelters for 200 families. However, the need remains great, and with your support, we can reach even more families in desperate need of secure living conditions.

Your additional funding will allow us to construct more shelters, improving the living conditions and health of needy and Rohingya refugees. Together, we can provide these vulnerable individuals with the protection and support they need to rebuild their lives in safety and dignity.

Thank you for your commitment to this vital cause.

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