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Location:Birulia, Savar, Dhaka

Duration: Long term project

Beneficiary Number:480

Project Component:

The main goal is to improve in the socio economic conditions of marginal farmers and homogenous community through providing microfinance.


Respond to the need of marginal farmers and homogenous society to enhance their agro-based business through providing micro investment support.

 Immediate Objectives

  • Provide agriculture (paddy, seeds, fertilizer) Investment to marginal farmers
  • Provide Investment in poultry business to HHs
  • Provide Investment in cow rearing to marginal farmers
  • Provide Investment in goat rearing to marginal farmers
  • Provide Investment in vegetable cultivation to farmers
  • Provide Investment in Seasonal Crops to farmers
  • Provide Investment in Fisheries to farmers
  • Provide investment in handicraft to beneficiaries
  • Provide investment in auto rickshaw to beneficiaries
  • Provide investment in various small businesses to beneficiaries

Sustainability: The proposed project is expecting two types of sustainability which as follows:

  1. Programs sustainability
  2. Financial sustainability

Beneficiaries are receiving easy investment for the expansion of their agro-based trades and significantly their level of income will increase and thus the program is sustaining. On the other hand, financial sustainability is being ensured by the profit received from invested trades by respective beneficiaries and this finance is helping to sustain the uninterrupted services.

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