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Project Overview: The Food Packs Distribution Project is an initiative dedicated to providing essential nutrition to Rohingya refugees and underprivileged communities across various regions in Bangladesh. This project aims to distribute food packs filled with staple items to individuals and families experiencing food insecurity, addressing their immediate hunger needs, improving their nutritional intake, and enhancing their overall well-being. Funded by multisectoral donors, this project is set to be implemented by SAWAB over a one-year period.

Beneficiaries: Approximately 20,000 families, including Rohingya refugees and needy individuals in Bangladesh.

Donors: Multisector donors from the USA, UK, Turkey, and Australia.

Project Duration: One year.

Project Goals:

  1. Combat Hunger: Provide essential food supplies to alleviate hunger and malnutrition.
  2. Support Health and Well-being: Enhance the nutritional intake of beneficiaries to bolster their overall health.
  3. Foster Community Solidarity: Encourage community support and solidarity through the distribution of food packs.

Project Objectives:

  1. Distribute Food Packs: Efficiently distribute food packs to the targeted beneficiaries.
  2. Ensure Nutritional Balance: Include a variety of staple and nutritious food items in the food packs.
  3. Monitor Impact: Implement a monitoring system to ensure effective distribution and to measure the impact on beneficiaries’ health.

Project Components:

  • Distribution of food packs containing:
    • Rice, Lentils (Dal), Cooking Oil, Sugar, Salt, Flour
    • Basic Spices (including items like turmeric, chili powder, and cumin)
    • Dry Fish or Protein Alternatives, Tea, Milk Powder, Biscuits or Nutritional Snacks, and others

• Rohingya refugee camps
• Various regions in Bangladesh with underprivileged populations

Target Group of the Project:
• Rohingya refugees
• Underprivileged communities in Bangladesh

Selection Criteria for Locations:
• Areas with a high concentration of Rohingya refugees
• Regions identified as having significant underprivileged populations
• Locations where SAWAB has existing operational capacity

Reporting & Documentation:
• Regular progress reports to donors and stakeholders
• Detailed documentation of the distribution processes and beneficiary feedback
• Impact assessment reports at the end of the project

Supervision & Monitoring:
• Continuous oversight by SAWAB project managers
• Periodic field visits by donor representatives
• Use of technology for real-time monitoring and reporting

Potential Long-Term Impact:
• Improved nutritional status of beneficiaries
• Strengthened community networks and support systems
• Enhanced capacity of local organizations to manage future aid distributions

• Building local capacity to continue similar initiatives post-project
• Encouraging community-led support systems
• Developing partnerships with other NGOs and local entities for ongoing support

Appeal for More Funds:

To ensure the ongoing support and development of these vulnerable populations, continued donations and support from global partners and donors are crucial. Your contributions can help expand the reach of this project and ensure that more individuals and families receive the nutrition they need. Together, we can make a lasting difference in the lives of those in need.

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