SAWAB’s appeal for your generous contribution

Our sincere gratitude to all our valued donors from home and abroad. To continue our more humanitarian efforts to reduce the sufferings of the poorest community and to provide necessary support to the target people, we put a fervent humanitarian appeal, please come forward with your big-hearted financial and material contributions for the needy.

  1. Education

Please donate to educate our deprived population to make an educated society.

Education is the most powerful weapon for fighting against poverty. To us educationist the most vital tool for empowering the underprivileged, disadvantageous and illiterate population of a community. That is why, we put more emphasis on educating the poor people. We intervene in the education sector to restrain further deterioration of the current situation. We promote formal, non-formal, vocational education as well as hands-on practical training for the school going students, dropouts, unskilled youths and the illiterate adult people.

Formal Education:

Our focus is to strengthen education particularly at the primary stage so as to provide a smooth foundation for the young segment of our population. We run formal primary school and madrasah called Just International School and Talimul Ummah Cadet Madrasah in Dhaka City. Basic education like literacy, numeracy, social science, moral education, health and hygiene awareness and also Quranic study are imparted to the students. Besides regular academic education curricula and co-curricular activities both the school and madrasah emphasize on moral values development to help build a just society. We like to spread our formal education program widely at the root level of Bangladesh and need more fund to increase our educational initiatives.

You may donate for the people deprived from education and help make an educated society.

 Non-Formal Education:

Non-formal education is simple and flexible and can be delivered at any place convenient to the learners. It is generally designed to meet the basic learning needs of disadvantaged groups and can be availed of at any age. We provide non-formal education to those sections of the community who have no access to or are dropped out from formal education so that they can learn the basic education like literacy, numeracy, social and moral values, awareness on health and hygiene, basic skills in disaster preparedness as this is necessary for enhancing their living status. We love to spring into action and help these children who can gather knowledge on literacy, post literacy, alternative schooling, livelihood skill training and income generating activities.

Please donate and help spread the literacy among our education deprived children. 

Technical and Vocational Education and Training:

Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)could be the most effective tool to develop the skill and knowledge of the people that helps the nation togrow economically. In today’s world, the growing rate of change driven by new technology, new forms of work places, new demand for quality products and finally the shortening of the product life-cycle lead to flexible workforce and increase the role played by TVET in the development of skills and competence.

A successful approach to identify the skills that the current available job market requires, our youth are interested in and try to focus on giving them specialized support so that they can further hone these skills to be competitive in the market. As Bangladesh moves towards becoming a middle-income country, it has been rightly recognized that skills training on demand driven trades is the key to greater economic growth.

More focus should be given on changing the perception of existing vocational training opportunities through nationwide awareness programs and advocacy. It should not be portrayed as an option for the less fortunate who can’t invest in education and, thus, opt for technical training. More students should be encouraged to think outside the box, having fewer academic degrees and more practical knowledge, so that they can be highly skilled workers or entrepreneurs who create jobs.

SAWAB is seriously considering TVET program for the younger generation of the country for the overall economic development.

Your contribution is essential and highly appreciated for successful implementation of our TVET program.

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