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Duration: 12 Months

Beneficiary Number: 15

Project Component: Rickshaw, Van, Grocery shop, Cow and Goat

Location: Savar

Project’s Goal: To enhance sustainable livelihoods and food security of the poor, extreme poor and the disadvantaged communities living in the poverty stricken areas in Bangladesh

Project’s Objectives:

  • Increased income and employment opportunities for poor and extreme poor households through integrated and adaptive livelihood development.
  • To reduce economic risks, caused due to the natural hazards, of the targeted communities.
  • To build capacities of the targeted communities in identification, production, financing and marketing of potential agricultural and non-agricultural products, including micro-enterprises.
  • To expand sustainable livelihoods, food security and nutrition of the poor, extreme poor and other marginalized communities living in the poverty-stricken areas of Bangladesh
  • Vulnerable families in the target areas will be provided with sustainability focused livelihood support and necessary health care and skills

To promote business-oriented community-based organizations, undertaking collective production and marketing techniques for long-term sustainability.

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